Special Needs

Peaceful Detox Bath Soak

Peaceful Bath Soak | HomeInTheShire.com

As part of our detox with the girls we were adding either baking soda or epsom salt to their bath each night. I started noticing my youngest was having a really hard time settling down and was waking up in the middle of the night. I’m not just talking about her stirring and then quietly going back to sleep. She would throw all her stuffed bears and binkies out of her bed and scream until I came and held her and settled her down. And often it took multiple tries. It was bad. One night I asked my husband if he’d been doing the epsom salt baths because he usually bathes the little ones. He said he hadn’t been doing it lately. Aha!! That next night I asked him to start using this new bath salt blend, and Lauren settled for bed with absolutely no problems and she slept through the night. A few nights later I asked him what his thoughts were, and he said he had to admit the bath worked. I modified a recipe I found online, and will share it below.

Disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional, nor do I claim to be an expert in this area. I’m simply sharing something that has worked for us, so please speak with your child’s doctor before using this or any other natural remedy.

Oh and while I’m on the subject of disclaimers – I have zero affiliation with Heritage (soon to be Hopewell) Essential Oils. They are not an MLM company, and I really appreciate that, as well as the fact that the owner has a child with Down syndrome, is very helpful, and views her business as a ministry. The quality is high, but the prices are reasonable. I have done my own research, including looking at independent studies testing the purity of their oils compared to the big names. Some of their oils are actually sourced from the same place as one of the big names in MLM EO. I’m not getting into that debate, so please go elsewhere if you’re looking for that 😉

I do have an affiliate account with Amazon, and would love it if you’d order Amazon products by visiting the links I share here and in other posts. The cost is the same for you. Supplements and therapies for our girls are very expensive, so every little bit helps! Though in honesty, I’ve only gotten one tiny check from them once in many years of blogging. I am a wife and mother before a blogger, and I just don’t have the time to turn this into a profitable endeavor. But, like I said, every little bit helps. Thanks!

Peaceful Detox Bath

Mix it all together and store in a jar. (It does become quite stuck together, so we have to break it up sometimes) I use the same jar I use for my yogurt (well, the same *kind* of jar, not the same jar lol) At bathtime we just put a scoop in as the bath water is running. In case you’re interested, this is the chalkboard label that I used. After soaking for a while, it really seems to help calm the girls down for bedtime. Enjoy!


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